First Friday Lafayette to continue through winter months

First Friday Lafayette is a program in collaboration with the Tippecanoe Arts Federation (TAF), the City of Lafayette, Visit Lafayette-West Lafayette, Greater Lafayette Commerce, Downtown businesses, and local artists that launched in May 2021. Each month since the launch of the program, Downtown Lafayette has come alive to draw on the power of the city’s arts and culture scene in support of small businesses. The next Downtown-wide event date will be Nov. 5, beginning at 6 p.m.
While First Friday began as an evolution of TAF’s Gallery Walk program, the committee has been working to create a deeper and more consistent connection between Downtown business and local art – and in turn, improve quality of life for community members. Over 30 Downtown businesses now participate and stay open late to host an artist or live music. First Friday Lafayette is made possible with support from the City of Lafayette, Duke Energy, Purdue Federal Credit Union, Stuart & Branigin, Gettings Reed Financial Services, and Hustlefish. For more information and to view a map of participating businesses, please visit