Indiana involved in multistate pro-life effort

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita said a federal appeals court decision upholding a Texas abortion law bodes well for other states’ efforts to defend their sovereign authority.
“This pro-life win for Texas is also a win for Indiana,” Rokita said. “And here in Indiana, we will continue to vigorously defend state laws that protect the sanctity of unborn life and the health of pregnant women.”
Last week, Rokita led an 18-state amicus brief supporting the Texas law, which prohibits providers from performing abortions once they can detect a fetal heartbeat
Specifically, Attorney General Rokita’s brief argues that the U.S. attorney general cannot sue states every time he believes a state law is unconstitutional.
On Thursday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit allowed the continued enforcement of the Texas law — overturning a federal district court’s order suspending it.