AMVC talks pigs with NMHS students

Alicia Humphrey, AMVC public relations director, speaks to NMHS agriculture students. AMVC is proud to be part of the community and be an educational resource for area students.
Agriculture students at North Montgomery High School recently had a guest speaker from AMVC Management Services, a local swine industry employer, to complement their coursework.
Alicia Humphrey, AMVC public relations director, is a trained Operation Main Street presenter with the National Pork Board and educated students about the modern swine industry. The interactive presentation focused on the global demand for pork and how pig farmers are playing a role in raising healthy pigs’ sustainably. Humphrey also showcased career opportunities at AMVC and across the pork industry.
Nancy Bell, agriculture instructor at North Montgomery High School, has invited AMVC into her classroom for the past seven years, as she sees great value in bringing in local guest speakers to enhance her curriculum and help her students become aware of jobs in Montgomery County.
“I can tell students each day about jobs, but when a guest speaker comes in and talks it makes the light bulb go off and students will attain it better and possibly reach out for a job,” commented Bell.
Throughout the class period the students interacted by asking thoughtful questions throughout Humphrey’s presentation. “It was a rewarding day. We have talented students in our community, and it’s great to see them interested in the swine industry,” added Humphrey.
AMVC, a diversified swine management company, is the ninth largest pork producer in the United States and has a swine management presence in ten states. AMVC employs 35 people in the community at their sow farm, AMVC Crawfordsville.