North principal named tops in Indiana

North Montgomery Michael Cox was selected as the 2021 State High School Principal of the Year over the weekend. Cox was also named District High School Principal of District 4, an area in west-central Indiana consisting of Montgomery, Benton, Carroll,
Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Tippecanoe, Warren and White counties.
“Mr. Cox has shared his knowledge of applied educational neuroscience with others throughout the state and beyond over the last 3 years so it is not surprising that he has been selected for this honor,” North Montgomery Superintendent Dr. Colleen Moran said. “We are very happy for him and NMHS.”
The recognition ceremony is a part of the 2021 Principals of the Year
Recognition Celebration, a part of the Indiana Association of School Principals annual Fall Professional Conference.
District High School Principals of the Year are elected by their peers. One principal is honored from each of the 12 districts. From these 12 District High School Principal winners, Cox was chosen as the 2021 State High School Principal of the Year.
The Indiana Association of School Principals is a not-for-profit, professional
association serving more than 3,200 building level administrators in the state of Indiana.