USDA invests over $692,000 to improve equitable access to housing in Indiana

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Indiana Rural Development Acting State Director Curtis Johnson announced that the Department is investing $86 million to improve equitable access to jobs, business opportunities, education, housing and health care for people who live and work in rural areas. The investments are part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to ensure that people living in rural communities have equitable access to the infrastructure and opportunities often taken for granted by people living in urban and suburban areas.
“By partnering with these Agencies, USDA is investing in rural Indiana to ensure that our most underserved communities receive the same assistance that their urban counterparts do,” Johnson said. “USDA’s investments continue to carry out the American Rescue Plan Act to achieve equity and help rural America build back better.”
This announcement highlights 218 investments that USDA is making in six programs specifically designed to help people and businesses in rural areas. The funding will help more than 425,000 people in 46 states, Puerto Rico and the Western Pacific. It reflects the many ways USDA Rural Development helps rural residents, businesses and communities address economic development, infrastructure and social service needs. It will help low-income people make health and safety repairs to their homes. It will help build and improve water and wastewater infrastructure for people living in U.S. communities along the Mexico border. It will help rural business owners in the Mississippi Delta get access to capital and business development assistance. It also will help colleges that serve Tribal populations upgrade campus buildings and services.
In Indiana:
Habitat for Humanity of Indiana Inc (HFHI) will use an $184,500 Rural Community Development Initiative Grant to provide technical assistance to 19 rural recipients whose average population is 11,382. Through the Rural Housing Capacity Building Project, HFHI plans to provide additional training and financial assistance to 19 rural Habitat affiliates in the state. The expanded training opportunities will help build capacity at the local level so that more affordable homes can be constructed for low-income families and more homebuyers can be served in Indiana. All Habitat homebuyers have an income between 30%-60% of the area median income in their counties.
Southeastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission and Southern Indiana Development Commission will collectively be receiving $508,300 through the Housing Preservation Grant Program to help 91 low- and very-low-income people make health and safety repairs to their homes. These investments will support healthier and happier lives for all 91 homeowners.
Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural, Tribal and high-poverty areas.
Information on programs available through USDA Rural Development is available by visiting or calling 317-290-3100. If you’d like to subscribe to USDA Rural Development updates, visit our GovDelivery subscriber page.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.