VSO Monthly Report

By Joe Ellis
Wow, the weather is wet and cold out. Well we had our American Legion Expo on the 21st of Oct. We gave out 58 flu shots for the morning and I had 3-4 Veterans stop by my booth for some information. We also had John Hickey from the American Legion in Indianapolis on hand for those who needed him. Also we had Ron Compton of the DAV, and Gary Bell of the VFW and Boneta Compton of the American Legion Post 72 on hand.
I had a total of seven veterans come into my office and I had a total of 72 veterans phone my office. Please note I will be at the American Legion Post 72 on Nov. 18 from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Military Family Relief Fund: The Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs is focused on ensuring that Indiana Veterans and the Indiana service community are aware of this important financial assistance, which can provide up to $2,500 in support to veterans and their dependent family members to cover their most central and basic needs, such as: Housing (rent / Mortgage, Utilities, Food, Current Medical Expenses, Transportation (Vehicle Payment / basic emergency repairs / insurance. Here is the contact site where you can fill out the forms:
Any Veteran who is getting 70 percent or greater service connected wartime Veteran is eligible for free nursing care at the Indiana Veterans’ Home. This benefit at the Indiana State Veteran Home has no income limitation. Service connected rating is determined by the Regional VA Benefits office. The Veteran is entitled to keep all social security, pension, and other income that would normally be used to offset their cost in a long term care facility. All other Indiana honorably discharged veterans may obtain independent living, long term care, short term rehab care, and memory care if their application is approved using Medicaid, Medicare A, long term care insurance, and private insurance. Please contact the Veterans’ Home at 3851 N. River Road, West Lafayette, In 47906, phone number is (765) 463-1502
On Nov. 11 there will be services at the Marie Canine Plaza at 11 a.m. Please, all that can attend, please be there. It is located downtown across from Little Mexico Restaurant.
Joe Ellis is the Veterans Service Officer for Montgomery County. He sends in information from time to time and The Paper is proud to publish it as a service for our many local veterans.