From Tim . . .

To all our wonderful customers,
By now you are used to your favorite Montgomery County daily doing things a little bit differently.
It’s been a long (and short) 17 years since the little company that could was founded. Of course we never would have survived any of those 17 years if not for you. For that, and so much more, you have our eternal thanks!
So today, as so much of the world gets set to celebrate one of the biggest holidays, we again bring you a little something different. On this page and inside this edition you will hear from some of our owners, some of our employees and a lot of the columnists and writers you love. This is a special treat for me, because I get to tell you how special and important all of these people are, not just to me, but to our entire company.
I hope you enjoy today’s special Christmas message. More than anything though, all of us at the little paper that could want to say thank you for reading, subscribing and advertising! We appreciate all of you!
From our hearts to yours – Merry Christmas!