SS Cheer Campaign tops $10K

Crawfordsville High School and Tri Kappa Sorority Sunshine Society Cheer Campaign is inching closer to its goal. After the third week, the annual community outreach program has topped $10,000. The goal of $15,000 is within reach, and perhaps topping last year’s mark of $20,000 is now possible.
Anyone may donate. Some donations are anonymous, some are in memory of family or friends.
The Paper of Montgomery County and other media will publish lists with the names of the donations. It’s important to note that all donations stay in this community.
The Society campaign began 110 years ago.
Here is the next weekly report for the 2021 Cheer Certificate Campaign. So far, there has been $10,749.07 raised.
Donations received from the following: $20 Former Sunshine Girl in memory of her husband Bill; $50 Tom & Robyn Henderson in memory of Billy H Henderson; $50 Barbara & Peggy in memory of Lowell Alward & Patrick Alward; $100 American Legion Auxiliary Post #72 in memory of Veterans; $100 Family in memory of Elizabeth Capper; $50 Jessie Stewart in memory of Alan & Larry Stewart; $50 Conrad & Judy Harvey; $15 Anonymous; $100 Suzanne Pluhar in memory of Robert & Maxine Smith, Robert Smith Jr. & Toyia Barnett; $ 50 Anonymous; $50 Anonymous; $ 50 Anonymous in memory of Cora, Kizzie, and Todd Lewis; $50 Gary & Sarah Woodsmall in memory of Jim Richards; $100 Anonymous; $25 Anonymous; $25 Susan Rosen in memory of Clara Lou Milligan, Becky Howerton; $50 Greg & Martha Bell in memory of our Parents; $25 Kathy Jarvis Smith in memory of my father Jim Jarvis & my grandparents; $20 Gerry Turner in memory of Carolyn Winger; $25 mom in memory of Dennis Moore; $50 Paul & Carol Laursen in memory of John Steele; $50 Gerry Hargrove in memory of Mike & Jay Hargrove; $200 Evelyn Miles in memory of Joe Spear, Dorval & Gertrude Beck, James A Beck, Russell & Lulu Miles, Harold Miles, Lloyd & Maxine Vaught, Clyde Himes, John Peabody, Eldon & Kay Booher; $50 Jean & Darlene in memory of Carolyn & Darrell Walton; $25 Debbie, Amanda, Ben, Camden & Mason in memory of Jerry L Wright; $25 anonymous in memory of Loved Ones; $50 Carla Bridwell in memory of Rick Bridwell; $50 Anonymous; $50 Linda Thompson in memory of Arlie Thompson; $50 Tobey & Peggy Herzog; $50 Anonymous in memory of Bob, Ellie, and Bobby Morris; $3628 The Staff, Students, & Family of Dance by Deborah in memory of Grace Kochert and Connie Meek; $40 Dick & Carol in memory of Ervin, Pearl, Lester & Dorothy; $100 Anonymous; $50 Ron & Kathy Whipple in memory of our parents; $250 Anonymous; $50 Gary & Rosy Hart in memory of Charles, Lena, Blanton, Gerald & Jane Hart; $50 Anonymous; $250 Janet & Tony Johnson in memory of Phyllis & Cecil Dunlap; $25 Anonymous in memory of Florence Jolley; $50 Mike & Jill Shubert in memory of The Miller/Shubert families; $25 Janice Surber & Family in memory of Ronald Surber & Jeff Surber; $100 Anonymous in memory of Patricia Renick, Beth Weir, Dale Bishop, and Ruth Renick; $75 Kathleen Kim Bell in memory of Marilyn, Elizabeth, and Warren Bell; $100 Darlington Pet Clinic in honor of former clients & their pets