The gift of life is the greatest gift of all
’Tis the Season of Giving and there are many in need. While some of us worry about what to give to that difficult person on our list, there is a way of spreading joy to people we may never meet – and it’s free! The Crawfordsville District Public Library has partnered with Versiti Blood Center of Indiana, and on Jan. 6, 2022 their bloodmobile will be at our parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Looking for an opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause? Come join us!
According to statistics, someone needs blood every two seconds in the US. Whether because of a chronic condition, an accident, a health emergency, or a simple surgery, the need at hospitals never ends. During the pandemic, donations dropped to a record low, and the need for blood sky-rocketed. Hospitals depend on selfless donors to meet the needs of daily patients.
If you are worried about donating for health and safety reasons, blood centers are taking precautions to keep everyone healthy. At each blood drive, the staff wears gloves and change them often, they take care that all surfaces are clean and disinfected, and they follow social distancing protocols.
The staff is also required to do a complete health assessment of donors. Only eligible healthy individuals are allowed to give blood. If you are able to donate, you should! Those who have experienced the need to receive blood or know someone who did, understand how precious this gift is. Donating blood is an act of love, and it saves lives. Don’t wait for an emergency to happen to donate blood.
To register for our upcoming blood drive at CDPL go to our website at and click on the “Blood Drive” banner to make an appointment. Need help? Stop by the Reference desk on the second floor at CDPL, or call us at (765)362-2242 and we’ll guide you through the registration process. If you can’t make it for whatever reason, promote the event! Tell family and friends how they can participate in this Season of Giving and give the gift of hope and life to those in need.
Ivette de Assis-Wilson is the Head of the Reference and Local History Department at CDPL.