USDA assists farmers, ranchers, and communities affected by recent tornadoes

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that assistance is available for communities and agricultural producers affected by the tornadoes that tore through Kentucky and five other states over the weekend.
“The devastation these tornadoes brought to our heartland, the lives they took, and the communities and livelihoods impacted are hard to measure,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “As recovery efforts continue, I want everyone affected to know that USDA is there to help, and we will deploy all resources at our disposal to help families, communities and agricultural producers rebuild their operations – for as long as it takes.”
Food safety guidance:
USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is helping affected residents take steps to reduce their risk of foodborne illness as they return to their homes after severe weather.
· Drink only bottled water that has not been in contact with contaminated water. Screw caps are not waterproof, so discard any bottled water that may have come in contact with contaminated water. If you don’t have bottled water, learn how to safely boil or disinfect water at FSIS Consumer’s Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes webpage.
· Discard any food or beverage that is not in a waterproof container if there is any chance it may have been in contact with contaminated water. Containers with screw caps, snap lids, pull tops and crimped caps are not waterproof.
· Do not consume food from dented cans. Undamaged, commercially prepared foods in all-metal cans and retort pouches such as flexible, shelf-stable juice or seafood pouches, can be saved by following the steps at the FSIS Consumer’s Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes webpage.
· Thoroughly wash all metal pans, utensils and ceramic dishes that came in contact with contaminated water with hot soapy water. Rinse, then sanitize, by boiling them in clean water or by immersing them for 15 minutes in a solution of one of tablespoon unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of drinking water.
· Discard wooden cutting boards, plastic utensils, baby bottle nipples and pacifiers that may have come in contact with contaminated water – they cannot be saved.
Risk management and disaster assistance for agricultural operations:
USDA offers several risk management and disaster assistance options to help producers recover after disasters like tornadoes.
Even before disasters strike, USDA provides tools for producers to manage their risk through the Federal Crop Insurance Program, a public-private partnership between USDA’s Risk Management Agency and private companies and agents. For crops that do not have crop insurance available, the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) is available through the local Farm Service Agency. This risk protection includes crop production loss and tree loss for certain crop insurance products. Producers should reach out to their crop insurance agent or local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office for more information.
Producers who suffer losses and are signed up for Federal Crop Insurance or NAP are asked to report crop damage to their crop insurance agent or local FSA office, respectively, within 72 hours of discovering damage and follow up in writing within 15 days.
Livestock and perennial crop producers often have more limited risk management options available, so there are several disaster programs for them. Key programs offered by FSA include:
· The Livestock Indemnity Program and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybee and Farm-raised Fish Program reimburses producers for a portion of the value of livestock, poultry and other animals that were killed or severely injured by a natural disaster or loss of feed and grazing acres.
· The Tree Assistance Program provides cost share assistance to rehabilitate or replant orchards and vineyards when storms kill or damage the trees, vines or bushes. NAP or Federal Crop Insurance often only covers the crop and not the plant.
· The Emergency Conservation Program and Emergency Forest Restoration Program can assist landowners and forest stewards with financial and technical assistance to restore damaged farmland or forests.
It is also critical that producers keep accurate records to document damage or loss and to report losses to their local USDA Service Center as soon as possible.
Additionally, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can provide financial resources through its Environmental Quality Incentives Program to help with immediate needs and long-term support to help recover from natural disasters and conserve water resources. NRCS can also assist local government sponsors with the cost of recovery efforts like debris removal and streambank stabilization to address natural resource concerns and hazards through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.
On, the Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool, Disaster-at-a-Glance fact sheet (PDF, 1.5 MB) and Farm Loan Discovery Tool can help producers and landowners determine program or loan options. For assistance with a crop insurance claim, producers and landowners should contact their crop insurance agent. For FSA and NRCS programs, they should contact their local USDA Service Center.
Helping with the long-term recovery of rural communities:
USDA Rural Development has more than 50 programs available to rural and tribal communities for the repair and modernization of rural infrastructure including drinking and waste water systems, solid waste management, electric infrastructure, and essential community facilities such as public safety stations, health care centers and hospitals, and educational facilities. Visit the USDA Rural Development Disaster Assistance page for more information.
Through USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture investments, additional disaster preparedness and recovery education materials are available from the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) or your local Cooperative Extension Service office.
Emergency nutrition assistance:
USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is also standing by to work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as well as requesting states and local authorities, to provide emergency nutrition assistance and other nutrition program flexibilities to assist people in need.
USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit