CDPL to hold 2022 Display Reading Challenge

For our most passionate readers and regular library visitors, this year we are introducing a year-long reading challenge based on our displays!
2022 brings a new set of imaginative displays and the goal of the 2022 Display Reading Challenge is to read two books from two different library displays every month of 2022. Both the first and second floors of the library have at least 3 displays on them at any given time, so there are plenty of books for participants to choose from every month. The books also don’t have to be physical, if you prefer ebooks or audiobooks that is perfectly fine as long as the book choice is featured on one of our displays. There is also no rush if you fall behind. If you miss a month you can check our previous displays online (or ask a librarian) to see which books you can choose from to catch up. This challenge is for pure enjoyment for those library patrons who want to expand their genre appreciation and try new things. We have booklets at the library that you can pick up to record what books you read, as well as your thoughts on the books. You are however more than welcome to create your list at home too!
Each month our librarians lovingly curate custom book displays based on different unique themes. We hope these displays help our visitors discover books that they wouldn’t have found otherwise and introduce them to new genres and types of books. Last year we had some remarkable and creative displays. My personal favorite was our “Literary Tour of Mars” which featured books by authors who have spots on Mars named after them (in honor of the Perseverance rover landing site being named for author Octavia Butler). I also really enjoyed our “Ergodic Literature” display which was all about books that tell a story in a nontraditional way, either through an exchange of letters, through documents, in dictionary entries, or in one case with a single letter being removed from each chapter (e.g., Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel, Fic Dun). My favorite display to curate was our time travel and time loop display because this is one of my favorite sub-genres to read. Most of the books on this display were my own personal recommendations. Last year we even created some displays based on internet memes, like our “Bones, No Bones” and “Good Soup” Displays. Of course, we also had more traditional displays like “Whodunit? Murder Mysteries” and “Stellar Sci-fi”. We are planning to bring you even more fun and unique displays in 2022! If you would like to see what books were featured on our past displays visit our website at, click on Econtent>Discover New Reads>Library Displays.
We hope you consider taking part in this new reading challenge and wish you an entertaining and rewarding reading experience in 2022! Need more information? Stop at the reference desk on the second floor. You may also reach us by phone at (765)362-2242, ext. 117 or by email at [email protected].
Emma Lashley is a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History Department at CDPL