This, that and pondering ‘tuthers . . .

Just scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Alfred E. Neuman . . .
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WOW, IT’S amazing how life changing a . . . life-changing event is (careful, no one ever accused me of being the smartest guy in the room).
For those who don’t follow these weekly ramblings, I had a heart attack on Christmas Eve. Like a lot of things in my life, probably not the optimal time to have one – then again, when is? Since then, I’ve got to experience an ambulance ride from the nice folks at Star Ambulance. I got to go through our lovely emergency room here at Franciscan and I got to get to know the folks at the Heart Center of St. Vincent’s.
And I got to hear from you . . . A LOT of you! Let me say it again, WOW! E-mails, texts, phone calls and such have been overwhelming. To be fair, I can’t really tell you how much I appreciate it. Your kindness is appreciated more than I will ever be able to explain. Many thanks!
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AND ONE that made me smile a lot came from a gentleman who asked to remain nameless. He takes me to task often for what he calls my “pig-headed, right-wing approach.” But instead of his usual e-mail telling me which end to stuff my opinion into, his message said that I need to get well soon so he can continue arguing with me. Thanks! I love you, too, M.R.
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SO THE quick update is that I’m going in for surgery this month and will be out of the loop for a few days afterward. OK, maybe more than a few, but not much more. All the folks in the know tell me that the prognosis is good for the blockage I have – and the fact that I am back on the wagon with my diet will likely help.
So once again, thank all of you who have offered prayers and kind words and such. It’s very touching and most definitely appreciated! We’ll talk again soon!
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AW HECK, it just wouldn’t be me if I didn’t mention politics. The Indiana Legislature convenes its 2022 session next week – and I urge you to keep your eyes on our hired help. Yes, they are zeroing in on newspapers again, but they are also going to be looking at issues involving personal rights and such. The more you pay attention, the better. When those good folks are left unchecked and don’t hear your opinions, they can do some awfully strange things. Let Rep. Brown and Sen. Boots know what you think. Actually, they’ll appreciate it.
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FOR THOSE who don’t remember, Alfred E. was the freckled, gap-toothed toon from MAD Magazine way back when. He and the magazine are still around but the prices have gone way up and the humor the other way – just my two cents.
Two cents, which is about how much Timmons said his columns are worth, appears periodically on Wednesdays in The Paper. Timmons is the publisher of The Paper and can be contacted at [email protected].