
Indiana VEX Robotics State Championship Returns to Lucas Oil Stadium

TechPoint Foundation for Youth (TPF4Y), the leader in K-12 STEM education efforts for the state of Indiana, announced the return of the Indiana VEX Robotics State Championship, powered by Group 1001, at Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, March 12, 2022. The event, which is the largest VEX robotics state championship in the country, will showcase the talent of more than 245 elementary, middle and high school teams as they compete for a chance to advance to the VEX World Championship.

Inside the event

This year, a total of 100 elementary, 96 middle and 50 high school teams from across Indiana have qualified to participate at the state level. During the competition, students will showcase their talent in robotics by operating a plastic or metal robot, constructed by each team, to complete challenges.

“Our State Robotics Championship is a full circle moment for these students, and their energy each year is unwavering,” said George Giltner, president and CEO of TPF4Y. “The beauty of K-12 STEM programs ? such as robotics ? is that it fosters more than just knowledge. Every year, students from all backgrounds make their way to Indianapolis radiating confidence, a love for robotics and strong collaboration skills. We intentionally host this event at Lucas Oil Stadium, home to the Indianapolis Colts, so that students are able to see that their intelligence, hard work and dedication to robotics is celebrated on a grand scale here in Indiana just as we recognize athletics.”

Supporting robotics programs

TPF4Y is dedicated to connecting underserved and underrepresented populations to STEM opportunities, and competitions like the state championship provide students an environment to interact with their peers and witness how hundreds of other students, at all different ages and education levels, share a love for robotics. Through the ongoing efforts of TPF4Y and their partners, robotics programs continue to flourish within schools, clubs and after school programs across the state, making Indiana the No. 1 state in the U.S. for having the most K-12 schools participating in robotics program initiatives.

“I continue to be amazed by the robotics opportunities made available for Indiana students,” said Dan Mantz, CEO of the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, an organization that oversees all VEX competition teams and events. “The Indiana VEX Robotics State Championship is a model for other states to follow as this event brings a diversity of students from across the state together. This large-scale competition run by TPF4Y demonstrates what can be accomplished when local and state governments, private industry, education organizations and nonprofits work together.”

This competition is free and attendance is open to the public. At the door, there is a suggested donation of $3-$10 as TPF4Y has a fundraising goal of $10,000 for the day. Funds raised during the event will go directly back toward supporting Indiana schools that want to bring STEM education opportunities to their communities. Individuals or businesses interested in supporting these efforts are welcome to make a single or group donation in person at the event or by visiting

Prioritizing health and safety

The health and safety of all participants, spectators and volunteers is TPF4Y’s top priority. Public event guidelines from the Marion County Health Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be strictly followed. In accordance with these guidelines, TPF4Y requests that every individual attending this year’s state championship adheres to the following:

  • Face masks/coverings are mandatory
  • When possible, social distancing is expected
  • The pit areas are limited to students and coaches only
  • Stay home if you are showing any signs or symptoms of illness

This year’s event was made possible through partnerships and support from: Group 1001, Indy Women in Tech, Roche Diagnostics, Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc., Herbert Simon Family Foundation, RSM US LLP, and more.

About the State Robotics Initiative, a program of TechPoint Foundation for Youth

The State Robotics Initiative was developed by TPF4Y to provide hands-on, STEM learning experiences to Indiana students through an economical, entry-level robotics platform proven to engage diverse student populations in comprehensive STEM subject matter and spur student interest in STEM college and career pathways. The program was developed in 2016 as a statewide expansion of the City of Indianapolis VEX Robotics grant program, a legacy of former Mayor Greg Ballard. This Initiative has made Indiana the leading state in elementary and middle school robotics teams, serving students in all 92 counties of the state and culminating in the country’s largest robotics state championship held at Lucas Oil Stadium. For more information, please visit

About TechPoint Foundation for Youth

As the leader in technology education efforts for the state of Indiana since 2001, TechPoint Foundation for Youth (TPF4Y) is committed to inspiring our state’s underserved K-12 students to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). And to us, that means connecting ideas, investments, industry, and individuals to exemplary programs that inspire students to pursue careers in STEM fields.

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