
Psi Iota Xi, Gamma Xi Chapter Meeting

Ten members attended a Zoom meeting of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Psi Iota Xi held on February 7, 2022. Co-president Jennie Hesler called the meeting to order with the Opening Verse, attendance, and the announcement of a February birthday and anniversary. The treasurerā€™s report and minutes of the last meeting were shared by email. Our chapter received a grant in December from the Harold and Doris Larsen Fund for area children to receive speech and hearing therapy. Parents of the 2022 Summer Speech Clinic clients will receive details about the application process in June. Many notes of thanks were received from the Meals on Wheels recipients of donated cheeseballs. Thank you messages were received from our legacies for finals e-gifts. The chapter received the annual report on our Elizabeth Backe Scholarship Endowment from Purdue University. Tori Elizabeth Baker, a Purdue graduate student in speech and hearing, received the scholarship this year. In new business, two members will attend the state meeting on April 23, 2022. Jenner Hunter will also attend as a state officer. Since art is one of the primary focuses of Psi Iota Xi, members approved the purchase of a piece of art at the sale on February 24th for the new government center for Montgomery County. Two members will be attending the sale.

Committee reports were presented. Vicky Reynolds sent out several get well cards to members. It was announced that one of our legacies, Sara J. Hemmerlein, graduated from Purdue University in psychology. We are so proud of her! Plans are being made for our Easter Bunny project, geranium sale, and Summer Speech Clinic. It will be a busy spring!

The next meeting will be on Monday, March 7th at 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned with our closing verse by Co-president, Jennie Hesler.