
Rokita Announces 21-State Lawsuit On Federal Mask Mandates

Attorney General Todd Rokita today announced a multistate lawsuit against several federal agencies and officials to force them to abandon illegal and unconstitutional mask mandates for travelers.

“Despite their repeated defeats in courts of law,” Attorney General Rokita said, “power-obsessed leftists continue trying to impose federal mask and vaccine mandates. Here in Indiana, we continue fighting for American liberty at every turn.”

With this lawsuit, Indiana and the 20 other states take aim at one of the remaining vestiges of federal overreach undertaken in the name of COVID-19 mitigation.

“There’s no good reason the feds should mandate masks at public transportation hubs and on commercial planes, buses, trains, ships and other vehicles,” Attorney General Rokita said. “This rule belongs in the same ash heap to which we have consigned the other overreaching measures we have successfully challenged.”