
Letter to the Editor: Fulwider Makes Endorsement in Township Trustee Election

Dear Editor

The 2022 Primary election is upon us. You will have the opportunity to cast your vote for Union Township Trustee. There will be two choices, and both are good people living in our community.

The current Trustee is running for re-election. She understands the duties and responsibilities of the office she has been elected too.

I have had the opportunity to work with her on many occasions involving local government. She has performed her duties well and tried to do the best for the township and the people she serves.

Sally Evans Molin has the experience. She has proven she has the ability to run the Office of the Union Township Trustee according to the laws established by the State of Indiana. She takes care of the resident’s needs in Union Township.

I am endorsing Sally Evans Molin, and encourage you to cast your vote for her as well. This will allow us to maintain experience in the Trustee’s office and continue the dedicated service for the people of Union Township.

Jim Fulwider

Montgomery County Commissioner