Veteran Newsletter April 2022

Well once again I am Writing you about our veterans, we have had four veterans go to Danville, IL VA and we have had one go to Brownsburg VA, we had one go to Lafayette VA and we had two veterans go to Roudebush VA so we were busy. I had 17 spouses and veterans come into my office for a claim.
We had 54 phone calls into my office.
I will be going to the American Legion Post 72 on April 7th from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm to be available to discuss claim’s and anything else you would like to discuss. You do not need to be a member to visit me. Also I will be at the VFW on April 24 from 1:00 pm until 4:00 PM.
Now we must speak about flying of the American Flag. If you fly the American Flag please inspect your flag for fraying or tearing of the flag or if you have flag’s that are off of their post’s. Please remove them from their post’s and get a new flag. You may go to the American Legion Post 72 in Crawfordsville as they have several sizes of flags available. You do not need to be a member of the Legion to purchase the flags.
Denise Williams, on the legacy of her father , Col. Gail Halvorsen, the Berlin Candy Bomber, Who died Feb. 16, 2022. He was a Cargo pilot, Halvorsen became a hero to Germans for dropping treats for children during the Berlin Airlift in 1948 and 1949, in what became known as “Operation Little Vittles.” He was an honorary life member of American Legion Rhein Main Post GR95 in Morfelden-Walldorf, Germany.
Joe Ellis is the Veterans Service Officer for Montgomery County. He sends in information from time to time and The Paper is proud to publish it as a service for our many local veterans.