Crawfordsville Kiwanis

The Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club recently met with the winners of the club’s annual Pat Cline Scholarship Awards. This meeting is, of course, very important because this is when the winners receive their checks!
Pat Cline was a journalist, editor, and Viet Nam war correspondent from Crawfordsville. She was the winner of numerous awards including a Pulitzer Prize nomination and a Sagamore of the Wabash award. Ms. Cline’s history was one of service. Service to the community through varied community organizations. She is honored by the Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club through these scholarships presented to those graduating seniors who exemplify the Kiwanis ideal of service to the community.
The winners of the Pat Cline Service Scholarships are seniors who desired further education; participated in school and community activities including Key Club; and demonstrated active volunteer service to the community.
Shown below, receiving their $1,250.00 checks from Kiwanis President Caleb Wilson are Jacob Pike, Southmont High School; Lilly Klingbeil, Crawfordsville High School; and Morgan Swick, North Montgomery High School.