
Linden Carnegie Public Library Summer Reading Program

With the high temperatures, heat indexes, and storm chances in the forecast for Thursday, June 16we have decided to move Thursday’s Summer Reading Program back into the library’s Community Room.  So, at 3:30 pm, we will welcome Dr. Jason Hoverman and his team from Purdue University’s Aquatic Community Ecology Lab.  This should be a fun, hands-on presentation for the kids to see some aquatic creatures!

We’ve had a great turnout so far, so if things get a little too crowded in the Community Room, we will ask parents with older children to hang out in the library or the Children’s area so that the kids have plenty of room to hear and interact during the presentation.  This is definitely a fluid situation depending on our turnout, so we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we navigate the event!  Thanks so much, and hope to see you there!