

June 13,2022

The June 13th meeting of the Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association was held at the Crawfordsville Public Library. President Kathy Steele led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance and an invocation was given by Lynn Robison. Summer birthdays were recognized. President Steele welcomed guests and turned the program over to Sue Mullendore for the memorial service for those teachers from our county who had passed away this past year. Those remembered were: Dixie Boyles, Shari Larew, Bob Baird, Bob Nabors, Bill Richmond, Andy Anderson, Curt Allen, Nancy Servies, Chet Henson, Dick Walke, Jim Spenser, Mary Lynn Harris, and Wayne Tate. Many friends and family members of the deceased attended the ceremony and told the group wonderful memories of their loved ones.

Following the ceremony, a lunch was served by Trish Schwabe. Trish has been our caterer this past year and was thanked for her many delicious meals. President Steele called the business meeting to order. Secretary Karen Patton read the minutes of the May meeting. Treasurer Larry Manlove gave the Treasurerā€™s report. Both reports were approved by the membership. Pam Crull requested that someone take over the Membership Contact responsibility. She has done it for many years and needs someone to contact Kim Nixon if they are interested. Don Armbruster gave the Community Service Report. During the meeting $144 was collected for the county backpack program. Kim Nixon reported that money is available for distribution from our MCCF account. The membership was asked for suggestions on how to distribute the money. The Foundation committee will meet to decide. It was announced that the Teacher-Friend program has started again. Interested members should contact Denise Walker.

President Steele brought to the membership the concern about safety in our schools. She suggested that members contact legislators to give them guidance. Nancy Buckles reported for the Member Concerns and Services Committee. Several get well cards have been send out and congratulations to teachers Cynda Mellish, Kathy Steele, Karen Thada, Mary Lou Dawald, and Cherlyn Hunter who were recognized for their volunteer service the last two years. Membership chairs Debbie and Darrell Howard were recognized for their years of service. The constitution committee has made changes to the constitution for the organization and a copy of the changes will be sent to members by email. The changes will be voted on at the next meeting. Because of his many years of service, Larry Manlove and Darrell Howard were awarded honorary memberships.

President Steele reported on the Representative Assembly that was attended by Kathy Steele, Kim Nixon, Steve Frees, Larry Manlove, and Cherlyn Hunter on June 8th. Member Karen Thada received the Area 4 Outstanding Volunteer Clock award for her service to the community during 2021. Awards were also given to Cherlyn Hunter and Kathy Steele for community volunteer service during 2021. Since the Indiana Retired Teachers Association Representative Assembly had not met during COVID, Kim NIxon (2020) and Mary Lou Dawald (2019) were mentioned as CASA award winners. Carol Homan (2020) and Cynda Mellish (2019) were also honored as Area 4 Outstanding Volunteer Clock award winners for community service.

President Steele announced that we will have a Retirement Planning Committee. Members would meet with teachers considering retirement and show a program from the state organization. Kathy also talked about the Ten Commandments of Human Relations.

The officers for next year were installed. They are President: Kim Nixon, Vice-President: Steve Frees, Secretary: Karen Patton, and Treasurer: Larry Manlove. New President, Kim Nixon, passed out a clipboard for members to sign up for committees and other responsibilities for the next school year.

The meeting was adjourned, and members were thanked for their contributions to the organization this past year. Door prizes were awarded.