
New Location And New Opportunities: Athens Arts Launches “Art On Thursdays”

For more than a decade Athens Arts has enriched our community by displaying the work of local artists, hosting nationwide and regional art shows, and featuring individual guest artists’ work. This “jewel of downtown,” as it often called, brings visitors in from near and far. In honor of its move to a new location, Athens Arts is offering new opportunities to our community.

To accompany the unveiling of Athens Arts’ new home at 216 E. Main Street in June, the gallery staff and board is offering a feast of art opportunities all hosted in the new building (former location of Four Seasons Market).

According to board member Ellie Dieckmeyer, “It’s really exciting to premier new activities in a new location. We’ll look at our community from a new vantage point in a new place. We’ll be teaching several new art mediums: students can learn to print with a Gelli plate or how to do block printing. How to get started with abstract art will be the subject of another class. As always, these classes are causal and fun and we invite everyone to come and ‘be part of Art’

Mark your calendars for the second Thursday of each month, beginning on June 9. The first class will be “Weaving without a Loom.:” You will learn to weave a tapestry that you will be able to take home. Choose either an afternoon session (1-3 pm) or an evening session (6-8 pm). Classes are open to everyone 14 years and older. The cost of $35 covers all materials and supplies. The 1pm to 3pm class SOLD OUT and is full!  An additional class time has been added due to the positive response of Athens Arts Thursday classes.   10am to noon on June 9.

There are still a few openings in the 6pm to 8pm class. Register soon!

Ask yourself if it’s time to get out and explore the world of the arts. Even science shows us that participating in art is good for our health—it’s the Vitamin C of creativity! Of course, learning new art skills is enjoyable and you can do it with friends.

To reserve your spot, or if you have more questions, please call Ellie Dieckmeyer at: (317) 919-0851’.