
Reader Takes LWV Writer To Task

Dear Editor,

I had to chuckle when reading the “unusual column” by LWV member Maria Reynolds-Weir. When asked by her European hosts if America is “OK,” she says she “didn’t know how to answer,” then blindly and inexplicably assumed they were referring to Trump’s “surprising” win in 2016 or his comments about the validity of the 2020 results.

Seriously? Did it ever occur to her that they wondered how the United States of America could possibly elect a clueless, dementia-addled old man as president? Or a former call girl as vice president? Or perhaps they were referring to Biden’s dangerous and inane open border policy or the fact that he has taken the country from being energy independent and a net-net exporter of oil to being energy dependent and begging foreigners to sell us high-priced oil? Perhaps her hosts were expressing concern about our exponential crime rate under Biden or his administration’s total abandonment of the rule of law? Or the Jan. 6 kangaroo court farce? Or the economic dumpster fire that Biden’s Marxist regime has created? Or Hunter’s laptop, crack addiction and corrupt foreign business dealings that are being ignored by the FBI and DOJ?

Yes, Maria, there are literally dozens of things that may have led your European friends to believe America is in serious trouble and not a single one of them was caused by Donald Trump. 

Ron Carmony

Warner Robins, GA

Former Crawfordsville resident