Himes Saga #5 – William

William Himes born Oct 8, 1824 in Virginia lived to be a good age, lacking a few days of being 85 and a half. His death occurred a bit after midnight on March 28 in 1910 caused by acute nephritis. Buried in the Harshbarger Cemetery, his death record, unlike so many of that time, is very detailed. YES! Then, in a Greencastle newspaper (found on FindAGrave) not long after his death it told of his son, Daniel C. inheriting all of the home farm, equipment, lumber, etc. Dan only had two sisters, Barbara who was born two days before the 4th of July in 1852 but passed away 11 Nov 1889. Don’t believe she ever married, having been age 29 in the 1880 census with her folks working as a dressmaker. Her nice stone lists her as the daughter of W & S Himes. Daniel’s other sister was Mary L. who died on 9 January 1866 at six years old with a stone, as well. Thus, Dan and his family inherited all of that side of the Himes estate which is logical and right, but to me, at least, there’s sure a sad part to it all!
William Himes met and married a neighboring farm girl, Sarah Stoner marrying her on 21 March 1848 (with the Rev. William Baldwin pronouncing the ceremony) she having been born in Union County, Indiana (18 Dec 1827) daughter of Jacob and Barbara Garst Stoner, thus her daughter’s name, the other one named for William’s mother, Mary Wrightsman, obviously son Daniel for his father. Daniel was the oldest born 26 Jan 1849 in Clark Township and passed away later (Oct 17, 1910) the same year as his father his mother, Sarah Stoner passing away on March 10, two years before her husband and son.
William and Sarah were laid-back, enjoyed their life in the back woods, William astute at fishing, especially in his retirement years, knowing “exactly the kind of bait to use in the different seasons for the various kinds of fish, felt the feeling when the sign was right for the fish to bite and he also knew where the best holes were in all the near streams within a half-day’s drive of his home.” Now, that’s a fisherman! They had no time, energy or desire to update their home and farm but by selling extra large timbers on the property as soon as Dan inherited it, he built a new home and moved right in.
He had raised water lilies on the pond at his father’s before that was quite profitable but after dad’s death, he became quite interested in a bit more unusual hobby – raising skunks. They loved him. Just like dad knew the fish, Dan knew his little kittens, their habits, requirements and care. Never once did any spray him but instead trusted him to the end. He not only raised and sold them for pets and their fur but had a bit of a zoo where people would come and get as close as they dared, Dan always overseeing the whole affair!
Another hobby Dan enjoyed with his inheritance was his new car. But, cirrhosis of the liver got him down October 17, in 1910 before he got a great deal of good and fun from that new toy. Sadly, William and Sarah have no stones but Dan’s is very nice in the Harshbarger Cemetery (the top – photo by Jon Rice, a wonderful FindAGrave worker is shown here).
Dan married Martha Jane Thompson in December 1870 and were married almost 40 years before Dan passed away, he barely making the 1910 census, listed as a “general farmer.” Martha did not make it to the next census herself, passing away November 11th in 1918, and at that time frame (although I found no obit or death record) I’d say she likely at age 68, passed from the flu/pneumonia.
These two had but one child, Barbara, assumedly named for Dan’s sister. Barbara Ellen Himes was born 25 November in 1871, first married Frank Linn and was the mother of several children, the oldest Huston Loring born 25 Nov 1890. Hugh and his wife, Carrie Langston had two daughters, Eleanor and
Mary Jane. Both Hugh and his mother passed away in 1938 and are buried with Frank. Another son, Sylvia (yep) Elwood Linn who was three times married, a plumber and passed away in Lowell, Arizona (of a coronary) is buried in Bisbee. Think he had two sons, Frank and Robert.
After Frank’s death in 1922, Barbara later (Sept 1931) married Charles Brightman Phillips but don’t believe that lasted long as she is buried in South Mount Cemetery in New Castle with the rest of the family. Frank and Barbara also had a son Everett Franklin who was born at Whitesville 3-15-1894 and was a garage owner in Henry County, passing away in Feb 1952 from cancer in his left lung. Married to Lena, they had no children. Hope I have all of her family.
From the four children of William and Sarah, only one produced one who did her share – lol. Way to go, Barbara! So, you have a somewhat short Saga today but sure I’ll make up for it in another one coming up.
Karen Zach is the editor of Montgomery Memories, our monthly magazine all about Montgomery County. Her column, Around the County, appears each Thursday in The Paper of Montgomery County. You can reach her at [email protected].