Ball Saga #6 – The Final Two – Salome And Sarah

Salome Ball was born April 21, 1821 in Butler, Ohio. Her future husband, Abram Heath, was born there as well in June the year before. He also passed away a year before her (1902 – she 13 June 1903) and they are buried with so many of this family in the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery (thanks to R & S Fine for the FindAGrave photo). They were married three days before Christmas right here in Montgomery County, 1842. Five children came to bless their home: Mary Ann; William D; Margaret; John H and Rachel (who died in her early 20s, is said to be buried at Waynetown Masonic but no stone). Abram’s father William Heath was in the War of 1812 and came here very early on to secure government land in Wayne Township which Abram farmed. Salome was quite a good helper as Abram farmed, was Township Trustee, a Horse Thief Detective, and an active Christian Union Church member (Portrait & Bio Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain).
Mary Ann Heath was born Dec 11, 1843 and passed Dec 15 (my birthday) in 1926, age 83 of dementia and heart trouble. She and her husband, James Beauchamp Gray are buried in Wesley with lovely stones. They were parents of three children, Cooper and Charles growing to adulthood. Cooper married and had three daughters (Dorothy, Margaret and Frances), Dorothy and Frances were school teachers in Indianapolis for many years. Charles Howard Gray went to Calgary, Alberta, Canada where he was a superintendent of the United Grain Growers where he had worked since 1906 when going to Canada from here (died April 1931). He and wife Lucy had five daughters, Doris, Marjorie, Mary, Florence and Jean as well as two sons, James and Ellis.
William D. Heath, second child of Salome Ball and Abram Heath was born 11 Sept 1845 and carries his gpa’ Ball’s name as his middle; in fact, he was mainly known as Dennis. He married Sarah Ellis from Fountain County. Dennis passed away in severe pain (26 Nov 1913) after having been kicked in his groin area by one of his treasured horses. Sarah followed him 10 years later. Their children were Howard, Nettie, Cleve, Nina and Rachel. Howard married Eva Lena Bottorff who was born in Salem, Indiana (daughter of John W. and Nora). They lived in the Waynetown area and were active in the Wesley Church with many other family members. They are buried in Wesley as are many of the Heaths. Their children were: John Dennis, Russell, Leota and Rachel. Nettie married William “Dick” Williams – they farmed in the Waynetown area and were not blessed with children. Nina married Stanley Jones, a mail carrier in C’ville who retired after three decades. No children for this couple either. The youngest daughter of Dennis and Sarah was Rachel. She passed away from tb (never married) at age 26 and is also buried in Wesley.
Cleveland “Cleve” Heath was a farmer and married Anna Louisa Brown. They were parents of two nifty daughters. Mary Helen married Donald Beard, an insurance agent in Indianapolis (two sons, Steve and Ron). She was dubbed the family “corker!” Always happy, she loved cooking (for over 30 years) at the Speedway Jr. high cafeteria, retiring at age 80. Her sister, Barbara married (Sept 1948) Kenneth David Rusk (farmer, grain dealer…) and mothered three sons: Dennis, David and Paul. Love the way Dennis is still working through the family. Barbara went on many mission trips to the Dominican Republic and sang in the community choir, plus spent many years singing at the C’ville Baptist Church.
John Howard Heath was born in Montgomery 9 Aug 1851. He attended Asbury (DePauw) and graduated from medical school, lived in Tippecanoe County for several years but then went on to Alameda, California prior to 1900 where he and his son Robert were both listed as druggists in that census and owned a drug store many years there. Wife Emma, Robert and John are all buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, California. Robert preceded him in death but married and was father of twin sons and a daughter.
Another doctor arrived in the Heath family when daughter Margaret married Thomas J. Simpson – they lived in Portland, Fountain County and later in the Waynetown area. They were parents of but one daughter, Byrina who died unmarried at age 27 and they also raised his nephew, Virgil. Dr. Simpson, Margaret and daughter all buried in Wesley.
Lastly, Rachel N. Heath passed away at age 21 and is buried with her parents in Waynetown Masonic.
The last child and concluder of this saga of Dennis and Margaret (Line) Ball was Sarah born 14 Sept 1822 in Butler County, Ohio married 17 Nov 1842 in Mo Co to Perry “Jack” Miller (who had been born in Kentucky about 1819 and died here 7 Jan 1894). He, too, was a druggist and he and son William owned and operated a livery stable in 1880. Sarah passed not long after that census (18 May 1883). She was mother of five sons and two daughters, losing their youngest Dora at age 22. The youngest son also is likely the David who died 18 Jan 1863 buried Wesley but not sure – couldn’t find him anywhere else, though.
Several in this family were carpenters, including their son, James N. who lived in Waynetown. He and wife, Martha Henderson had one daughter, Ruth Henderson Miller who married a Purdue professor later in life. They are buried at Wesley, as well.
This Miller family has been a bear to research but do think Alonzo B. married Leona Ludlow in Fountain County where they were living in 1880 with a one-year-old son, Paul, but couldn’t track him down after that.
The last of the Millers and last of the Ball saga was Nathan T. and also found his middle initial as G. He, too was a carpenter and I couldn’t find him after the 1870 census. Sorry this family is not well filled-out but there are yet many Ball descendants and stories in the Ball Saga and sure hope ya’ enjoyed!
Karen Zach is the editor of Montgomery Memories, our monthly magazine all about Montgomery County. Her column, Around the County, appears each Thursday in The Paper of Montgomery County. You can reach her at [email protected].