Butch Says Sometimes You Only Get One Chance

What will this year bring? No one knows for sure. We can’t predict the future. I always try to stay positive, even when circumstances dictate otherwise. I witnessed so many tragic situations during my years as a deputy and county sheriff that today I appreciate all of the little things in life. Those of you who have recovered from a life-threatening illness or accident may feel the same way. Walking my dog down the road in the evening, sitting on our back deck and watching the black and yellow finches eat from the feeder, mowing our lawn on a bright sunny day, reading a good book after the evening meal…well, you get the picture…such things as these are often taken for granted. I have started to notice life’s simple pleasures more and more, and when you reach my age, you are glad to still be around and in good health. Seven of my high school classmates (out of a graduating class of 32) are no longer with us. Many of the boys who I competed against in sports have passed on. I don’t dwell on those sad thoughts, but they are floating around in my mind. I don’t become depressed, because I always look to the future. But I realize that sometimes I may only get one more chance…
…one chance to hear what a child or teenager wants to tell me
…one chance to show how much I appreciate the kindness of a friend or neighbor by doing a good deed for them
…one chance to right a wrong that I may have done in the past
…one chance to help out my community, my town, or a local organization
…one chance to tell the “helpers,” such as repairmen, teachers, firemen, police officers, business owners…and many others…how much I appreciate them
…one chance to visit someone in the hospital or nursing home and brighten their day
…one chance to teach my grandkids the importance of trying their best, win or lose, and showing good sportsmanship
…one chance to stand up and do what is right instead of going along with the crowd
…one chance to admit a mistake and apologize
…one chance to play, have fun, enjoy life, learn a new skill, or seek out a new hobby
…one chance to tell my family how much I appreciate and love them
We are very lucky to live here in rural and smalltown Indiana. The big cities and suburbs are overloaded with problems. I realize that a certain amount of progress and industrialization is necessary. But I would hope and pray that Montgomery County stays true to its past…a county with beautiful scenery, family owned farms, hundreds of “Mom and Pop” owned businesses…and smalltown and farmer friendly kindness. We don’t want to ruin what we have been blessed with, but such things are often taken for granted.
You and I may only get one chance….
John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 32 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.