
MCLA Hires New Executive Director

The Montgomery County Leadership Academy is excited to announce Jeremy Lemus as the new Executive Director of the organization. Lemus will facilitate leadership training in and around Montgomery County to prepare individuals to serve as community strengthening leaders.

Lemus is a Crawfordsville resident and Alumni of the 2020 signature program; he served on the board for the MCLA from December 2021 until December 2022. He plans to use his passion and love for communication, personal development, and leadership to further develop existing and up and coming leaders from around the community. Lemus brings with him experience facilitating different workshops such as Diversity Equity and Inclusion sessions at Penguin Random House as well as PRINT (a personality-based workshop that teaches employees how to be their best selves and better work with others). He has already implemented a monthly Lunch and Learn that takes place every first Wednesday of the month at Fusion 54 with a wide range of topics relating to leadership, business, and personal development. Lemus assisted in facilitating a lesson on IKIGAI (Ikigai- Japanese for a reason for being. A concept that helps individuals find their personal meaning of life in regards to profession, passion, and contribution to the world) for the 2022 signature program and hopes to bring that concept back to this year’s class along with various other subjects and tools to better serve our community.

In addition to the Youth Programming and Signature Program, the Montgomery County Leadership Academy offers leadership development training for nonprofit and private employers. MCLA also hosts the Montgomery County Volunteer Center, POINT, with a goal of connecting volunteers to organizations for volunteer service. For more information about MCLA, or to inquire on programming or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jeremy at [email protected] and visit our website at