
Suicide Prevention Spotlighted At State Capitol

The Indiana arm of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will have a rally at the Indiana State House on March 27.

The organization says that their State Capitol Day events bring advocates together with state and local officials to share information and urge that suicide prevention be made a priority. As part of our State Capitol Day events, advocates have the opportunity to meet with their legislators and speak about legislative and policy issues that need support. Because of these personal connections between advocates and lawmakers, state bills have been enacted that now ban the practice of conversion therapy, require suicide prevention policies and personnel training in K-12 schools, increase suicide prevention on college and university campuses, require insurance plans to treat mental health and physical health equally and create statewide suicide prevention offices and task forces.

This year’s event begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. Registration is required by March 22. Go to or on Facebook @afspindiana.