Aaron Vancleave – Saga #2

Aaron Vancleave as was noted in the first Vancleave Saga and I share birthdays, ten days before Christmas his in 1768 Rowan County, North Carolina, oddly from where many of my ancestors hail. His parents were Benjamin Samuel Vancleave and Ruth L. Munson, Ben’s father Aaron Vancleave and Rachel Schenck. Aaron married Elizabeth Vancleave whose grandparents were also Aaron and Rachel, thus first cousins. Aaron was the oldest son, second child of what I have as 11 children but have seen up to 15 elsewhere. Aaron and Elizabeth married 4 March 1794 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Elizabeth’s dates are sketchy but born about 1772 in NC and passed 1835 in MoCo. All six of their children were born in Shelby County. Most of the older Vancleaves have FindAGrave entries, but no stone photo but do love this one to use as a topper (thanks to Linda) for this article.
There were six original land grants here in Brown Township for Aaron Vancleave, but thinking some of those were likely for his first cousin, “Upper Aaron” son of John and Mary Shepherd, married to Elizabeth Griffin who passed 30 Sept 1834, he 24 Feb 1846 both near Waveland. Or, perhaps they were all for Upper Aaron? Anyone know?
At any rate, Aaron, Elizabeth and their children were most assuredly here by late 1826 or early 1827, their youngest, Crawford being about 14.
Their oldest, Benjamin Shepherd Vancleave was born 12 August 1796 and passed away in Dallas County, Iowa. He married (11 August 1818 Shelby Co) Matilda Taylor who passed 25 years after him in Dallas. They produced an even dozen children, three girls. Their oldest, Basil died at age 24 and assumedly is buried in Iowa. John Payton (Peyton), Benjamin’s next, was born 26 September 1820 and married Marjory McMullen (daughter of James Robinson McMullen and guess what – her mom was a Vancleave). He passed 25 Feb 1899, buried in Harshbarger. Their children were: James, a life-time farmer passed away at age 80. Benjamin Warren (7 Nov 1847 – 10 Dec 1902) also a farmer, if married don’t believe children and passed away much younger than his brother at age 55. Joseph Albert Wright Vancleave was a carpenter, rancher, and real estate developer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Two sons: Errett and Otto Bowers Vancleave. Otto followed after his father in careers, but was quite emphatic about his name spelled Van Cleave. John P’s daughter, Matilda died at age 21 and is on a stone with the above brothers in Harshbarger. In MoCo (22 June 1885), Sarah Louise b 19 July 1865 married Joseph Terry – parents of three boys: Calvin, Frank and Moss. Ahhh, she passed away on Valentine’s Day, 1945 Winnebago, Minnesota at Moss’s home. John Wesley passed at age 24, was a twin (born Jan 24, 1870) to Eve who died at age 15 and, the two also buried with Benjamin and Matilda. Lastly, daughter Martha married Thomas Denny (20 years older than Martha), lived MoCo; passed in Meeker, Colorado 7 Feb 1927.
Mary Elizabeth Vancleave, daughter of Ben and Matilda married a Vancleave, as well, Preston son of Samuel and Rachel Catherine (ready? Vancleave). 13 children: John; Francis Marion; Bazil; Matilda; James; Lewis; William; Margaret; Benjamin Franklin; Rachel; Margery; Joseph and Sarah. Few of their sons married and I do not see them on FindAGrave but they were in Idaho as well as Nebraska.
Benjamin Taylor Vancleave married Mary Ann Taylor, daughter of Benjamin Taylor and … Margaret VanCleave 16 Jan 1850 in Montgomery County but went to Dallas County, Iowa (children: John, William, Margaret and Sally) where they both passed away. His brother, Joseph Warren 9 Dec 1823 died in Dallas Co 9 Jan 1863 – Civil War related?
Ada Ann b Shelby Co KY 16 March 1828 married one of the early Moores – George Allen — from Waveland (2 April 1848 MoCo) and they too went to Iowa – eight children (Elizabeth Ann; Samuel Grimes; Matilda Hazel; Malinda Jane; William Allen; Mary Alice; Augusta Ellen and James M. Moore). I believe only two of these made it to adulthood.
And, another one off to Dallas County (where he farmed) was Thomas Taylor b. MoCo 11 Nov 1829 married Mary Fisher and parented Sylvester and Anderson.
Samuel Grimes Vancleave also b MoCo but off to Iowa where he married, farmed and was father to William and Edward.
Solomon Munson b 18 June 1834 MoCo lived Dallas County but moved to California in his 50s where he died (12 Feb 1914) in Placer County. FindAGrave lists him with these children: Nancy; Joseph; Arthur; Henry; Sherman; Ben; Franklin; Ward; Leroy; Charlie; Carl and Dovie!
Cornelius Johnson b 14 May 1836 MoCo, farmed for some time in Dallas County, died in Furnas County, Nebraska 8 June 1915. His family consisted of eight sons, four daughters, 22 grandchildren and three greats at his death. He and wife (Rachel Chenowith) were married over 50 years and separated but eight days at death.
Margaret 4 Oct 1839 Montgomery, died 1905, Dallas County, Iowa married Franklin Francis.
The youngest of Ben and Matilda’s was Stephen died age 20, Dallas County.
Enoch, son of Aaron and Elizabeth died before 13 May 1833 here, buried Indian Creek Hill. Looks like I’m going to change my plans for the Vancleave #3 Saga as I’m done with allowed words and still have way more to go. Since Enoch and most of his children lived here the whole time, I’m adding him for a Saga.
John Benjamin Jackson Vancleave died young, age 31; buried Indian Creek. Wife Mary Taylor died in Vigo County, and they had Henry; Matilda; Sarah; John and Elizabeth, most living in Vigo.
Then, I’m stuck – anyone have a clue what happened to Samuel born about 1804, son of Aaron and Elizabeth VanCleave?
Margaret married Benjamin Taylor in Shelby Co Sept 1825. Children: Mary Ann; William; Matilda; George Samuel; Lucinda; Nancy; Sally; Bessie; Basil and James. Their daughter, Mary Ann married Benjamin Vancleave. See above. Their daughter, Lucinda married Aaron (b 1832) Vancleave. Sadly, Ben Taylor died at age 48 of a “sudden accident” (1850 Mortality), and she passed just 15 years later, leaving children from age 16 to 36.
Lastly is Crawford whose wife was Sarah Vancleave (don’t know her descent) and married again MoCo to Eunice King. They went to Grandy County, Missouri. His children were Samuel; Mary; Lydia; William; Nancy; Asa Milton; Adam; Elizabeth and Isaac N.
See ya’ next week for info on Aaron and Elizabeth’s son, Enoch – gotta’ go do some researching!
Karen Zach is the editor of Montgomery Memories, our monthly magazine all about Montgomery County. Her column, Around the County, appears each Thursday in The Paper of Montgomery County. You can reach her at [email protected].