
Profile of Phoebe 2023 #2

This article is a second in a series of articles for the JUMP Program. The JUMP Program is part of the Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau and is a mentoring program for kids. This program is very similar to the Big Brother/Big Sister program in that it matches an adult volunteer with a child from our community. Studies show that kids with a positive role model/mentor do better in school, get in less trouble, don’t use drugs and alcohol and have a higher self-esteem.

This article is a profile of a child currently on the JUMP waiting list. The name and age has been changed slightly to protect their confidentiality.

Phoebe is an 11-year-old girl who lives with her mom in a single parent home. She has many siblings and could really use some one on one time with a female or a married couple. Her mom describes her as an outgoing girl who is something of a tom boy and loves to do adventurous things. Phoebe is not a child who is afraid to get dirty and loves outdoor activities. She is very energetic and would be good with a mentor that likes to be active.

Phoebe says she likes to go to parks, play basketball and ride her bike. She also likes to draw, paint, cook and bake. She has very diverse interests.

The JUMP Program Manager, Jill Hampton stated, “Phoebe is really excited to have a mentor and hopes she will be matched soon. When she gets a mentor, she hopes they can do fun things together and maybe even go out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. She is easy to talk to and seems open to many different activities.”

Please contact Jill Hampton if you are interested in becoming a mentor. You must be at least 21 years of age and able to pass some background checks. Call 362-0694 ext. 103 or email [email protected] to apply or get more information. To learn more about the Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau, visit or visit their Facebook page at

The Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau is a United Fund Partner Agency.