State Road 75 Restrictions Starting On Or After April 24

The Indiana Department of Transportation announces restrictions on State Road 75 starting on or after Monday, April 24, for a resurfacing project. The restrictions will be between U.S. 36 and Elm Street in Jamestown. There will be alternating lane restrictions on several sections of this stretch of S.R. 75. Traffic will be controlled by a temporary signal, along with flaggers. The restrictions are expected to last through the end of November, weather permitting.
This contract was awarded to Rieth Riley Construction for $7.2 million. It involves HMA Overlays on various stretches of S.R. 75 in Boone County, bridge work over Big Walnut Creek and Branch Ramp Run in Hendricks County, and HMA Overlays on various stretches of S.R. 75 in Hendricks County. This contract also involves improvements to storm sewers, sidewalks and curb ramps in the area. The entire contract is expected to be completed after June of 2024.
This contract involves various HMA overlays. An HMA overlay is a combination of asphalt cement and aggregate placed over aging pavements as a pavement preservation treatment. The liquid asphalt binds the rocks together in a strong but flexible structure.
INDOT urges motorists to slow down, use caution and consider worker safety when traveling through a work zone.