
Keep An Eye Out For Knights Of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus will be collecting donations on Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20 to raise money for the Montgomery and Parke County Special Olympics. Donations will be collected at the following four locations:

The intersection of Elm Street and South Boulevard, near Town & Country.

The intersection of Grant Street and South Boulevard, near Pizza Hut.

The intersection of Darlington Avenue and East Market Street, near Dollar General.

The entrance of Wal-Mart.

On Friday, donations will be collected from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. On Saturday, donations will be collected from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.

The Knights of Columbus has a long history of supporting the Special Olympics.

In July 1968, the first Special Olympics Summer Games were held at Chicago Soldier Field. The game included over 1,000 participants from throughout the United States and Canada. The Knights of Columbus was supportive of the Special Olympics from the start. Many Knights eagerly volunteered their time and service for this inaugural event, while many more attended the games to cheer on and support the participants.

By the 1970’s, Knights of Columbus Councils throughout the United States used Tootsie Roll drive as a mechanism to help the disabled.

Since the opening game, the Special Olympics has evolved into an international competition involving more than 4 million people in over 170 countries. Since the games began, the Knights of Columbus has volunteered over 9 million man hours and have generously donated well over a billion dollars, thanks in large part to the generosity of the donors.