
The Gardens of Marta and Ralph Corey 694 S. Golf Blvd.

Our informal landscaping reflects our love for nature.

After living in the Black Hills of South Dakota for 18 years, we both wanted to be surrounded by trees and rocks. Welcome to our Gardens.

Landscape Architect Lee Eggleston was able to incorporate our desire for rolling mounds, trees, shrubbery, and rocks in the plan for our gardens, established 4 years ago. You will see Serbian Spruce, Norway Spruce, Imperial Honey Locust, Green Weeping Japanese Maple, Weeping Redbud, Arborvitae, Sugar Maple, Flowering Dogwood, Jayne Magnolia, and Globe Blue Spruce.

Throughout the garden mounds are perennials of Fountain Grass, several varieties of Lilies, Variegated Madden Grass, Hosta, Moonbeam Coreopsis, and Cat Mint.

As you approach our home, you are greeted by a statue of a deer in the front garden and another deer is near the exit of our gardens.

All of the white quartz came from our property in South Dakota. We have added interesting pieces of yard art. One being a penguin made from old motorcycle parts that was a gift from a dear friend.

For added interest during your walk through our gardens, we have a local Harpist, Taylor Mermound to perform her music. You will be able to observe, Crawfordsville High School Student/ Artist Elli Jeffries painting a floral picture. Both musician and artist will be on the back portico over looking the gardens.

Elli’s floral painting will be raffled at the conclusion of the Garden Walk. Raffle Tickets will be available for $1.00 each as you exit the Corey Gardens.