
Butch Thinks It’s Time To Take The Dog On A Walk

By: Butch Dale

Do you enjoy watching the national news on TV? Yes, that’s what I thought you’d say. Each time I switch on the news, it’s the same story lines…political turmoil…the war in Ukraine…rampant crime…illegal immigration…rising interest rates…racial complaints…transsexual/LBGTQ controversies…failure of schools…and on and on and on. And to top it off, the major network news anchors are ALL biased in how they report the news. Where is Walter Cronkite? We need him back…NOW. The local news on Indy channels isn’t much better. If there are NO murders in Indianapolis, then THAT would be news!

Folks, listening to the national news is not going to get any better anytime soon. We are going to be inundated with politics and the 2024 Presidential election for another year and a half. Same old faces. Same old liberal vs. conservative arguments…set in concrete. Ninety-nine percent losers one and all. Trump or Biden? Forget both of them. They had their chance. Their time is over. And the national news channels? They aren’t going to change. They use controversy to purposely manipulate your thinking and attract more viewers.

In the past, when I came home from work and had eaten supper, I sat down and turned on the local news channels. Later on I often watched the national news…CNN and Fox. Not anymore. If you are sick and tired of biased, angry, argumentative politicians and news anchors, try my new routine…

Turn the TV off. Remain calm. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk…a long walk…WITH YOUR DOG. Your dog loves you. He has no political opinions. He will not lie. He will not cheat. He will not hurt you. He is always in a good mood. He is always glad to see you. He does not consider himself a victim to be pitied. When you return from your walk, give Fido a treat. He will smile and lick you on the face. Yes, I know…he may have just licked his rear end…but oh well. Settle back in your easy chair with a cup of coffee and a good book…your dog by your side. No politicians, no news anchors, no crybaby victims, no arguments, no controversy.

Just you and your dog…peace and quiet. Ah yes…all is right with the world…

– John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 32 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.