Butch Wants to Fly Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn…Apple seed and apple thorn…Wire, briar, limber lock…Three geese in a flock…One flew east…One flew west…And one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
I sometimes think the American people have become like Randle McMurphy, the main character in the 1975 movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” We seem to be trapped in a psychiatric hospital. Our behavior is constantly being controlled and manipulated through both subtle and coercive means…not by the tyrannical nurse Ratched, but by our own government and the liberal media…what we do, what we say, what we believe, how we think. If we refuse to conform to the “proper” views and beliefs, we face invisible, and sometimes direct, forms of censorship and public shaming. And just like nurse Ratched, the actions of government and media are so insidious that we often don’t realize that we are being controlled at all.
One example is the current controversy concerning transgender behavior. I guess I just don’t get it. I always thought there were two genders…biological male and biological female…depends on your “plumbing,” just like the faucets on a sink…one HOT, and one COLD. But now a male can “identify” as a female and compete in a women’s sport…and even use the women’s restroom! And then there are those who do not want to declare their gender…they are “non-binary” and want to be addressed as “they.” There are no sink faucets that are labeled “HOT, BUT IDENTIFIES AS COLD,” or “LUKEWARM,” or “GUESS WHICH.” But we dare not say anything, or we will be labeled as uncaring or homophobic. Watch what you say, because there are numerous “informants” on social media and in various organizations who, just like the movie’s Billy Bibbitt, do not hesitate to divulge your “traitorous and uncaring” beliefs to anyone and everyone. If a male decides he wants to be a female in his own mind, that’s his choice. Just don’t expect people to approve of he/she competing in a girl’s sport and using the lady’s restroom. And if he/she wears lipstick, makeup, and a dress, he/she should have enough common sense to know that a few people will stare.
We face the same problems in expressing our opinion about other concerns. As decrepit Ol’ Joe mumbles and stumbles along, guided each step of the way by his liberal handlers and Obama, he demands that we accept not only behavior which we consider a little strange, but also all religions (even those who hate Christianity), unlawful immigration, crooked FBI actions, unmitigated federal spending on worthless and failed social programs, and his latest idea…cancelling student loan debt (with money from those who worked hard to pay off their loans).
If we oppose these actions and refuse to be good little patients in the ward, those in control, along with the liberal media, will use various types of “punishment,” including social media scorn and criticism, or even use the law (their version of the law) to “correct” your behavior. It’s their way or the highway. Do not use the wrong pronoun in public. Do not criticize Islamic legislators who hate our country. Do not insinuate the FBI is aligned with the Democrats in power. Do not point out the unscientific claims of the climate alarmists. Do not suggest that China instigated COVID. Do not criticize the plans to defund the police and pay reparations to the descendants of slaves. Do not insist that those who tear down historic statues be prosecuted. Do not insist that welfare recipients get a job if they are physically able…or you will be forever condemned and ostracized. Remember what Nancy Pelosi said, “People will just do what they do.” Great. I guess “anything goes.”
I think that most people would agree that Trump is smart, but he is also a little crazy, and he did try to stand up to the establishment swamp. But nurse Ratched’s interns and aides (Hillary, the FBI, and her Democrat buddies in Congress) decided he needed electroshock therapy…via a fake dossier, outright lies, and FBI corruption. After all, the primary goal of the current swamp creatures is total control…can’t let a rebellious inmate stir up trouble now, can we?
This, my fellow Americans, is what you and I are up against. We may be like “Chief” Bromden in the movie. We have been acting deaf and mute for too long when it comes to standing up for what we believe in. We need to tear down the control panel and heave it through the window. Americans who possess common sense, time honored family values, and the ability to know right from wrong…must escape the current psychiatric ward and fly over the cuckoo’s nest…or we may end up like Randle McMurphy…moved to the “disturbed ward” and lobotomized. I guess it could be worse though…just listen to the next speech from Ol’ Joe and watch him trip and fall again. He is supposed to be the leader of the greatest country in the world. Sad…very sad.
– John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 32 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.