
4-H Fair Newsletter And Helpful Information

The Montgomery County 4-H program uses the FairEntry system for registering all projects to be exhibited at the fair, checking in projects, recording results, and communicating that information to the Indiana State Fair. All projects (animal and building projects) will be registered prior to the Montgomery County 4-H Fair through this online program. This program is paired with the 4-H Online program and is used throughout Indiana. The FairEntry program will open for use on Monday, May 29th and all building projects must be registered in the FairEntry system by Friday, June 30th and all livestock must be registered in the FairEntry system by Monday, July 10th.

Following are some key details about this process:

  • Complete your fair entry between May 29th and June 30th (Building projects) and July 10th
  • (livestock projects).
  • If you have building projects and have completed your FairEntry, you will pick up your exhibit tags at the Extension Office July 5th-11th.
  • Do not use Internet Explorer as your web browser. The 2 recommended browsers for FairEntry are either Google Chrome or FireFox. Mobile devices are also supported.
  • 4-H members will pre-register each project one at a time. Do not hit the submit button until you ensure that all projects are entered and project information is correct.
  • You will use your 4-H Online username and password to login to FairEntry.
  • Please see the “Step by Step Guide for Entering Exhibits in FairEntry System” in this packet. This guide should help with 4-Hers registering all projects.
  • We can make changes, so please do not be afraid that you will be locked into a class when registering your projects.
  • There is no additional fee for registering projects in FairEntry.

Building Projects:

  • The 4-H member will select the project, division, and class for each project they plan to bring to the Fair. If prompted, please enter a description of the project.
  • When selecting department, division, and class please note that there are several options so be careful when entering.
  • The information entered will be used to create judging sheets, exhibitor tags, and is where fair results will be recorded.
  • Example: For Photography, the 4-H member would need to enroll in the correct class/grade level such as “Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black and White Prints”.

Livestock Projects:

  • Enter all livestock that the 4-H member plans to exhibit at the Montgomery County 4-H Fair.
  • For livestock exhibitors, select the project, division, and class. If the 4-H member plans to show several different animals, they may need to go through this multiple times.
  • An example, a 4-H member must enter their born and raised Angus steer in the Angus steer class and then in the born and raised Angus steer class.
  • For Horse and Pony, multi-entry may be used if the 4-H member plans to show the same horse or llama in multiple classes of a particular division.
  • Please select which 4-H member is going to show which animal and whether they want to show their ewe lamb in a breeding or market class. It is EXTREMELY helpful to 4-H volunteers checking in livestock projects if you designate which child is showing which animal.

If you have any questions please contact the Montgomery County Extension office at (765)364-6363.