
Butch’s Book Recommendations For Biden Times

By: John “Butch” Dale

We all know that the price of everything we buy today just keeps going up, up, up…with no end in sight. Groceries, gas, electricity, clothing, medical care…and on and on. You can’t even afford to get buried. I told my wife that when my time is up, to just have our neighbor bring over his backhoe, dig a hole, and dump me in. Suits me.

I guess I should have been a Congressman or Senator. Those yah-hoos have plenty of money. But no, I am in the same predicament as all of you…trying to decide whether I should go with my usual order and buy a regular hamburger…or splurge and get the Big Mac.

But guess what? Since I work in a library, I have compiled a list of books to help all of you get through the remainder of the Bidenflation years…so here are some recommended book titles to consider which will save you some money, help you stay within your budget…and perhaps even make you wealthy!

  • How to Make a Living as a Homeless Person
  • Nutritious Dog Food Substitutes for Your Family Meals
  • How to Save on Expenses by Printing Your Own Money
  • Shoplifting Can Be Fun for Everyone!
  • Hunter Biden’s Book of Art Skills: Learn to Paint and Make Millions!
  • The Complete List of Ugly, Rich People Who You Can Marry
  • How to Obtain a Free College Degree Without Studying!
  • Ten Places to Hide When the IRS Comes to Arrest You
  • 1001 Recipes for Oatmeal
  • Save Money on Hair Salons by Using a Weedeater and Blowtorch
  • Make Money Fast: the Mafia Bribery and Intimidation Handbook
  • How to Get Free Stuff by Pretending to be an Illegal Immigrant
  • 100,000 Cheap Christmas Gifts at Wal-Mart That Are Made in China
  • How to Decorate a Cardboard Box as Your New Home
  • Stealing Gas from Your Neighbors Made Easy!
  • ATM and Bank Vault Electronics Diagrams
  • Become a Millionaire: The Savvy Politician’s Handbook of How to Lie
  • Making Clothes for Your Kids from Toilet Tissue Scraps
  • How to Build Your Own Car With Plywood and Duct Tape
  • Save Tons of Money by Learning to Recycle Bath Water
  • The Complete List of Tasty Insects That Kids Can Eat
  • The Manual of Electric Drill Home Dental Procedures
  • Earn Big Money: Learn to Do Hip Replacements on Friends
  • Bank Robbery for Beginners
  • How to Start Your Own Church and Receive $$$ Donations
  • Top Ten Bridges in the U.S. to Live Under
  • Living the Good Life: the Official Welfare Fraud Guidebook
  • Casino Slot Machine Basics for Nincompoop Gamblers
  • How to Build Your Own Dixie-Cups & String Cellphone
  • 100 Strategies to Sue Rich People for Fun and Profit!

There is also a free government publication you can pick up, entitled “Learn How to Spend Money Without Having Any.” This book was compiled by the U.S. Congress, based on their vast experience as legislators. And then there is the last book which is certain to be a classic…”The Biden Encyclopedia of Financial

Knowledge.” It’s a short read…very short…one-half page.

– John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 32 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.