
Daily Almanac: August 25, 2023


RISE: 7:07 a.m.
8:32 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:

HIGH: 92 °F
77 °F

Today is…

• Forgive Your Foe Day
• Kiss and Make Up Day
• National Whiskey Sour Day

What Happened On This Day:

• 2012 First Spacecraft to Enter Interstellar Space. NASA’s Voyager 1, which was launched on September 5, 1977, left the heliosphere — the part of space that is influenced by our Sun — on this day. In February 1990, the spacecraft took the first overview picture of the solar system. It is the most distant man-made object in space.
1944 Liberation of Paris. The battle to liberate Paris, which had been under Nazi control since 1940, began on August 19, 1944, and ended on this day. The battle was fought between Nazi soldiers and members of the French resistance group, who were helped by the American Armed Forces headed by General George Patton.
• 1835
First Installment of the Great Moon Hoax is Published. The New York-based newspaper The Sun published a series of articles, starting on this day, that detailed the discovery of civilization on the Moon.

Births On This Day:

• 1949 Gene Simmons

Israeli/American singer-songwriter, bass player, producer, actor
• 1930
Sean Connery

Scottish actor, producer

Deaths On This Day:

• 2012 Neil Armstrong

American pilot, engineer, astronaut, first person to walk on the moon
• 1900
Friedrich Nietzsche

German philosopher