
Montgomery County Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting Minutes

Wednesday July, 26

The Montgomery County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. Board members present were Steve Canfield, John Hedrick, Seth Howell and Tom Mcclamroch. Staff members present were Marc Bonwell, Dan Taylor and Don Orr.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM. Tom Mcclamroch made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes. John Hedrick seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

ZV2303: Marc Bonwell introduced the variance request. The petitioner is requesting a variance from 2.11 Lot and Yard requirements, front yard setback of 60′ for an agriculturally zoned property. The existing Calvary Baptist Church building sits approximately 48′ from the from the setback and is legal non-conforming as it was built prior to Montgomery County Zoning Code. The request is to reduce the front setback of 60′ to 48′ to align the new build with the existing building.

The original church building was permitted by Montgomery County in 2001. At the time of the permit a drainage plan was approved by the Drainage Board. After review, the approved drainage plan was not implemented as approved at or during construction of the church building. The addition of impervious from the new build would fit within the approved drainage plan on file with minimal impact if it had been implemented. The original drainage plan called for a dry bottom detention area near the western boundary of the property with lead out swales running along the north property line. The staff recommends approval of the setback variance requested with one condition. That being the Petitioner be required to construct the originally approved drainage plan and submit as-built plans once complete. The public hearing was opened at 10:04 AM. The public hearing was closed at 10:04 AM as there were no comments.

Seth Howell made a motion to approve the request with the stipulation that the Petitioner will be required to construct the originally approved drainage plan and submit as-built plans once completed. The motion was seconded by Tom Mcclamroch. Motion carried 4-0.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 AM.