
Senseless Vandalism Spoils Garden

Dear Editor,

Vandals in OUR garden!      FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

The Nicholson elementary students have a beautiful garden this year. With help and support from the Master Gardeners, parents and teachers; the 2nd and 3rd graders planted, cared for and are ready to harvest . . . only to find that their perfect-prize- cantaloupes had been smashed over the weekend. How awful that someone has nothing better to do!

Gardeners understand that weather, critters, insects and disease are factors in the success or failure of one’s garden . . . do we have to add the human element too?

This recent trespass was certainly unexpected and we are disturbed and disheartened by this lack of respect for another’s hard work and property.

Priscilla Zachary and Anita Arnold

Master Gardener volunteers