
SWCD Celebrates 25 Years Of Cain’s Field Days

The Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District is celebrating 25 years of 4th Grade Field Days. Field Days are held in Darlington each August and every 4th grader in the county is invited to attend. Students rotate through eight stations and learn about a variety of topics including water quality, wetlands, pollinators, and forestry. There are educational talks and hands-on activities that aim to jumpstart students’ interest in the environment and protecting our natural resources. The event spans two days each year and requires over 25 people and hundreds of volunteer hours to run the event.

The Cains have hosted Field Days since the late 1990s. Conservation is at the forefront of the family’s farming operations. They believe in the importance of starting conservation education early and that we all have a responsibility to care for the land.

For resources, as well as upcoming events, visit The Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District’s website at All meetings and events are open to the public and most services, including invasive species and soil health site visits, are free!