
Crawfordsville Community School Corporation Board of Education Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.

I. Roll Call

II. CHARACTER COUNTS! Corporation – Pillar of Citizenship

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Consent Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes, Construction Accounts Payable Voucher, Payroll Claims Vouchers, Register of Accounts Payable Voucher, and Surplus Items

V. Spotlight on Excellence – Lilyann Bridgham, Zari Freeze, Guinevere Schmitzer-Torbert, Patrick Corado, Tyson Fuller, Elizabeth Jeffries, Jaycie Myers, Emily Rivera, Elizabeth Turner, Nivek Witt, Zion Zacarias

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

a. Consider Resolution to Transfer Amounts from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund

b. Public Hearing Concerning 2024 Budget, Capital Projects Plan, and Bus Replacement Plan

i. Consider Resolution to Adopt Capital Projects Plan

ii. Consider Resolution to Adopt Bus Replacement Plan

iii. Consider Resolution to Reduce 2023 Appropriations

c. Grants for 2023-2024 School Year

VIII. Personnel

  1. Consider Bradyn Barker Resignation – Hose Teachers’ Aide b.

IX. Change of Position

X. Business Manager’s Report

XI. Associate Superintendent’s Report

XII. Superintendent’s Report

XIII. Other

XIV. Board Member Communication

XV. Patron Comments

XVI. Adjournment

Patron’s Comments are limited to 3 minutes per spokesperson for a total of 30 minutes. The meeting site is fully accessible. Any person requiring further accommodations should contact the Superintendent at the School Corporation‘s central office.