
Montgomery County Commissioners Launch Comprehensive Plan Update Process

Montgomery County Commissioner, John Frey is pleased to announce the County has launched an update process for its Comprehensive Plan.

“Comprehensive plans provide overarching guidance for decisions that directly impact the future of our county. There is great value in undertaking a comprehensive planning process, and often the process itself is as informative as the final product,” emphasized Frey.

Through the Comprehensive Plan update process, we recognize and anticipate changes in the future and respond through a clear and direct-action document. It is important that the plan remains current on the makeup of the County and accurately reflects the issues that impact Montgomery County’s quality of life, workforce, community character, and sets the foundation for a bright future.

The current Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2019 and communicates our county’s goals and objectives, provides a blueprint for future land use, and serves as the basis for zoning, and the guide for a vibrant future. The Montgomery County Commissioners appreciate that our county has evolved since 2019 and we need to evaluate and update our current comprehensive plan to address changing priorities and needs.

To kick off the update process, the County is launching a community survey. It touches on many of the plan’s topics and asks residents their ideas about the County’s assets, opportunities, and challenges now and in the future. The survey is available on the County’s website, Paper copies can be requested from the County Administrator’s office.

Most importantly, the comprehensive plan is a document based on input from the community and expresses what makes Montgomery County a great place to live and work. Public participation will be a vital component of the planning process to ensure residents’ voices are heard and the plan echoes the community values. The community survey is an opportunity for public input into the process and will be open until November 1, 2023. Additional in-person public input opportunities will be provided prior to finalizing the plan. The survey can be found here: