
Neat (& Some Spooky) Events On Agenda This Week

By: Tim Timmons

Scattershooting while missing the days of Sammy Terry . . .

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A SPECIAL exhibit is coming to our favorite Carnegie Museum – Unequal and Undaunted: Education and Community at Lincoln School for Colored Children. It opens this month and is a continuation of the great work by Crawfordsville Middle School teacher Shannon Hudson. You may recall reading the weekly chapters we ran a little while back from Shannon.

She did great work on this project and if the exhibit is as good as her stories, it’ll be well worth the time.

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SPEAKING OF special things, someone after our own heart has written a book called Ghosts and Legends of Crawfordsville, Indiana. Christopher and Christina Hunt will be at the Carnegie Museum Friday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. to sell and sign copies of their book. Afterward, they will lead people on a ghost walk through downtown Crawfordsville.

Since we’ve been doing ghost walks in beautiful downtown C’ville since 2008 or so, we’re excited to hear someone else taking up the charge. A quick glance online at some excerpts from the book show they more than 150 pages of stories to offer.

As my buddy Honest Hoosier might say, here’s a tip of the seed corn cap to Christopher and Christina! The more the merrier!

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SO LONG as we’re on the Halloween theme, I hope some of you are going to participate in The Paper’s first-ever Halloween writing contest.

The “rules” – well, guidelines might be more appropriate – are pretty simple. Keep the story to around 750 words or less. Be sure there is a Crawfordsville or Montgomery County connection somehow (hey, it’s fiction, so the “somehow” is up to you!), be sure the writing is your own and that you give us permission to publish it in The Paper and online. Lastly, get it to us by Sept. 29. How, you say? You can e-mail it to [email protected] or drop it off at our beautiful downtown Crawfordsville office (127 E. Main). If you e-mail, please copy and paste the story in the body of the e-mail and not as an attachment.

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OK, ONE LAST note on Halloween – if you decorate your house for the spookiest of holidays, please consider sending us a photo (or three) of your handiwork and we’ll put it in The Paper. You can e-mail it to [email protected] and all we ask is that you include your contact info so that we can reach back out to you for confirmation.

It seems like some folks are going all out for Halloween decorating these days. Let’s see some of the best examples!

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A COUPLE OF final notes – if you are looking for a job, we are looking for you. We very much want help in the following three areas – sales (that’s where the highest pay is), billing / collections and pagination. Some of these are full-time and some are part-time.

What we are hoping for are folks who want to be part of a good staff and a newspaper that is Montgomery County’s favorite. Want to play for the winning team? E-mail your resume to [email protected].

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IN THE IMMORTAL words of Gomer Pyle, thank you, thank you, thank you! Several of you reached out with nice notes after a recent column talked about beginning our 20th year of business. Those mean the world to us and we are very appreciative of your time and support!

On that note, November marks another anniversary – that of our first edition. We are planning a few things to help celebrate the occasion – including special quotes and jokes for the month that focus on the Fourth Estate. Hope you enjoy!

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SAMMY TERRY? Hoosiers of a certain age who grew up around here probably remember WTTV’s ghostly ghoul. I sure do. Sammy used to host Nightmare Theater on Friday nights beginning in 1962 and lasting until the 1980s. Sammy, who was played by radio DJ Bob Carter, also made personal appearances. I saw him in the 1970s at the Diana Theater in Noblesville. Sammy’s son Mark now plays the character whose last name is a play on the word cemetery. You can catch the new version at

-Two cents, which is about how much Timmons said his columns are worth, appears periodically on Wednesdays in The Paper. Timmons is the publisher of The Paper and can be contacted at [email protected].