
Resident Thanks Police For Arrest

Dear Editor,

No one is going to believe this one . . . but Fairlane Drive has never been this busy on a week night. Hats off to Crawfordsville Police Department and Montgomery County Sheriff Department.

This evening near 5 p.m. officers stopped a suspect on Fairlane Drive. He was wanted on several felony charges. The subject ran west toward Englewood. Officer Deputy Robby Hechinger and K-9 Officer Titan and Officer Michael Plant and K-9 Officer Inka were in pursuit. The search went on between the houses. More and more officers arrived and assisted with the search for the suspect. Crawfordsville, Montgomery County and Darlington officers assisted with the search.

The search continued through several backyards in the area. The dog Inka hit on my fenced yard. I have a five-foot fence around the house. The officers requested to enter the yard. Inka hit on a sweat shirt tossed by the suspect in the garden. The dog continued to move toward the back of our house all the way to the garage door. Officers opened the door and sent in Inka to do a search. Officers heard the subject yelling from inside the garage. The suspect had entered the garage and climbed into our SUV. He surrendered peacefully once the dog was recalled. The found him hiding in the back seat of our SUV.

I was about to leave the house for a city council meeting downtown. I would’ve had a big surprise waiting for me if not for the officers of our community. Great job gentleman . . . that’s one more bad guy you have gotten off our streets.

DeAntha Wright-Thornburg
