Lunch With The League Friday October 6 Taking Care Of The Animals At AWL

Taking care of our community’s unwanted animals is a large responsibility. From scheduling vet visits to taking care of on-site medical needs, Nickee Sillery has valuable insight into the care and needs of the animals at the Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County (“AWL”). AWL has been in existence for 50 years, with its current facility built about 21 years ago. Opportunities abound to support the AWL. Volunteering is one of the best ways to be involved: walking the dogs, playing with the cats, helping with laundry and cleaning are great ways to help out. Donating supplies, like cat litter and cat and dog food, is always welcomed. The AWL started a Capital Campaign a year ago to raise money to remodel the shelter facility to better house the animals and to also provide better support for the volunteers and learning opportunities for veterinarians. Find out more information at and follow them on Facebook at Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County Indiana.
Better yet! Enjoy your lunch break at Fusion 54, noon, this Friday, October 6 when Nickee Sillery, Medical Director of AWL, will talk about the AWL! She will discuss how they are caring for the animals there and how you can help meet their most important needs. Ms. Sillery will also correct misperceptions about AWL, including the thought that they house only pitbulls. Besides cats and dogs, the AWL takes in all unwanted animals, even horses and chickens!
Join Lunch with the League at noon on October 6, to hear Nickee Sillery talk about her experiences and her concerns for the animals at our local animal shelter, the AWL.