
Once upon a time in this country . . .

Once upon a time in this country, men were men. Women were women. And that wasn’t the beginning of an argument.

Once upon a time in this country, we welcomed the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They went through a process that included a physical check of their well-being and an interview to make sure that immigrant was a good candidate to become an American citizen. And none of that was considered a bad thing. It was actually something we celebrated.

Once upon a time in this country, the idea that grade school children would be introduced to sex practices, let alone practices that most of us would find . . . out of the ordinary . . . would have been cause for concern.

Once upon a time in this country, killing unborn babies was not considered a right to be celebrated but a serious issue to be deeply contemplated.

Once upon a time in this country, a marriage followed a biblical standard of a union between a man and a woman.

Once upon a time in this country, sex outside that marriage was considered a sin.

Once upon a time in this country, people were patriotic and the love of country was something to be celebrated and even revered.

Once upon a time in this country, parents and schools worked together for the betterment of the children.

Once upon a time in this country, teachers could discipline students and the outcome was a good thing.

Once upon a time in this country, people would rather work than accept handouts.

Once upon a time in this country, charity began at home, but was understood that it would not last forever.

Once upon a time in this country, nothing was free and anything worth having was worth working for.

Once upon a time in this country, civility and good manners weren’t just expectations but demands.

Once upon a time in this country, children were not allowed to run wild in stores.

Once upon a time in this country, politicians did not get rich because of their political careers.

Once upon a time in this country, mass shootings were a rare event.

Once upon a time in this country, we could have disagreements but remain friends.

Once upon a time in this country, the terms conservatives, liberals, Democrats and Republicans did not incite anger.

Once upon a time in this country, the phrase it’s none of your business meant that not everyone had to be concerned with every little thing they saw or heard.

Once upon a time in this country, there were some people actually camera shy.
Once upon a time in this country, honesty and integrity were far more valued – and common – than they are today.

Once upon a time in this country, the F word stood for things like faith, family and freedom.

Friends, “once upon a time” wasn’t all that long ago. Most of us remember it. We also remember that stories beginning with “once upon a time” ended with “happily ever after.” I’m like a lot of you . . . not sure how to get there. After watching the State of the Union and listening to the Republican response, all I know for sure is government doesn’t have the answer. Then again, it’s not supposed to. Pretty sure that once upon a time, those answers all started with us.

Two cents, which is about how much Timmons said his columns are worth, appears periodically in The Paper. Timmons is the publisher of The Paper and can be contacted at [email protected].