
South Schools Get STEM Certification

South Montgomery Schools recently got some good news from the Indiana Department of Education. Ladoga Elementary, New Market, Walnut Elementary and Southmont Junior High School were all certified as leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Those four schools are part of 20 throughout all of Indiana.

“STEM certified schools are committed to providing high-quality, engaging experiences that not only support students in developing problem-solving skills, but also prepare them for careers in emerging industries,” said Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education. “Ensuring every student in Indiana can meet the challenges and opportunities of a constantly evolving workforce begins with high-quality STEM education, and these schools are leaning in to meet the needs of Hoosier students.” 

Created in 2015, the STEM Certification program recognizes schools committed to teaching STEM disciplines beyond the classroom. STEM Certification exemplifies a highly innovative approach to education, employing a great deal of inquiry, project-based learning, community engagement, entrepreneurship, student-centered classrooms, integration into humanities and related arts and out-of-school STEM activities. For secondary schools in particular, earning STEM Certification requires heightened intention and coordination in terms of vision, scheduling and interdisciplinary collaboration. More than 100 schools statewide hold STEM Certification.