
Butch Remembers a Special Teacher

  I have written about a few of my teachers in earlier columns, and here is another lady that made me love school…my second grade teacher, Tessie Stwalley. After graduating from Crawfordsville high school in 1917 and then from Indiana State Teacher’s College, she started out teaching home economics (or “domestic science” as it was known at that time) in 1921. Her sister, Audrey Wisehart Cox, who later became my fourth grade teacher, was a student in her class. The girls enjoyed her class and learned many things, including how to sew and cook. In fact, Tessie started up the school’s first hot lunch program. Each morning her students went to each room and took orders for meals, and then prepared the foods during class time…the cost to the students was three cents per meal!

   After taking a few years off to raise her family, Tessie and her husband Merton returned to Darlington in 1942. Merton taught manual training, science, and physics, while Tessie started teaching second grade. They were both considered excellent teachers, and the Class of 1951 dedicated their yearbook to them, stating “their willing support of our activities, their encouragement of our efforts, and their loyal friendship have helped us throughout our school years. We are glad to have their high principles and strength of character as a guiding influence.”

   Like the other outstanding grade school teachers of that era, Tessie was a strict disciplinarian, and she demanded that her students act like little ladies and gentlemen at all times. Yet, she had the ability to maintain control without raising her voice, and she very seldom used corporal punishment. The “look” in her eyes was usually all it took to straighten out an unruly youngster. Tessie had the patience of a saint, and she gave individual attention to every student. She emphasized the basics of reading and math, and often took special delight in acting out lessons to make her points come alive.

   Tessie’s warm smile gave encouragement to even the most hesitant student, and many recall her great enthusiasm and good-natured manner. She also encouraged and promoted individual talent, let the boys and girls decorate her classroom, and she took great delight in displaying the students’ papers and art work. One of the activities that I remember were the “Indian blankets” we made while studying Native American culture. Drawn with crayons on old bedsheets brought from home, our artistic masterpieces hung from every corner of the room. Each student was given an Indian name, and the class participated in dances, songs, and other Native American rituals. When I became a teacher in the 1970s, I also had my students participate in this activity, which was fun for the kids…and me, too!

   Although Tessie formally retired in 1968, she substituted quite often until her health prevented her from doing so. Even in her later years, she never lost the love that she had for all of the little boys and girls who had the privilege of calling her “teacher.” And like her sister Audrey, whenever Tessie saw me, she always smiled and gave me a big hug. When Tessie passed away, a part of our school died, too. We miss her greatly.

John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 36 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.