Butch Remembers the “Full Service” Station
Let’s go back in time once again…You hop in the car to head out to the drive-in theater for family night…but the gas gauge shows you’re low, so you pull into the local station to buy a few gallons. Since gas is only 26 cents a gallon, you have plenty of dough left for popcorn, candy and drinks during the movie.
As you pull in and drive over a rubber hose, a little bell dings inside the station to let the attendant, who is likely the owner, know you are there…and here he comes, wearing his shirt with the oil company logo patch, and with a big smile on his face.
“How can I help you today?”
“Hi, how ya doin’ Fred? We’re headed to the drive-in…just need a couple gallons of regular, and could you check the passenger side rear tire? I think it might need a little air.”
“Sure thing, Bob…happy to oblige. How’s everything in your neck of the woods?”
Well folks, back in the good old days gas service stations were like that. They were “full service” stations. Not only did they put gas in your tank, they also checked your fluids…oil, transmission, battery, washer and radiator…but also cleaned your windshield, checked the hoses, belts and wiper blades, and aired up any tires that were low…all of this at no charge. Some stations even handed out S&H green stamps, which you could save to exchange for free items later. Most stations also gave out free road maps and matches, and a few even provided logo embossed ashtrays, drinking glasses or cups, and toys! The transactions were cash, with regular customers sometimes shouting out, “Just put it on my tab, and I’ll be in next week to settle up.”
In the small towns here in the county, there were often three or more of these full service stations. When the owners weren’t pumping gas, they repaired vehicles, did maintenance work and fixed flat tires. They sold batteries, tires, and other automotive items. My hometown of Darlington, with 900 residents, had four of these stations when I was a youngster in the 1950s…Branstetter Phillips 66, Cox’s Standard Oil, Endicott’s Cities Service and Conrad and Gilliatt’s Shell Oil. Inside most of these was a candy counter, bottled soft drink machine, a cigarette machine and a peanut dispenser, along with a few other “necessities.” And of course there was a bench outside or an old sofa and chairs inside where customers could sit…to hear the latest news and gossip, discuss the basketball teams, talk about farming and tell the newest jokes. Most lady drivers stayed in their cars, but men would often come inside and spend time with the owner and other locals. A few loafed there for hours at a time, sometimes watching the owner work on cars.
Several teenage boys like to “hang out” at the stations, and a few lucky ones were hired to work there part-time. Little kids were also welcome. The owner aired up their bike tires, oiled the chain, tightened the handlebar…while kidding the tykes and offering up some sage advice. “Hey, now you shouldn’t be looking at that Marilyn Monroe calendar in the back room…you’re still wet behind the ears!”
When you need gas today, you pull into the nearest station, insert your debit card into the slot, fill up and leave. If your windshield is dirty, there might be a sponge on a mop handle and a squeegee next to the pump. I will admit that there are lots of items for purchase inside these “mini-mart convenience” gas stations, but it’s highly unlikely you know anyone who works there. Many small towns don’t even have a gas station anymore.
The old-time full service stations began to disappear in the 1970s. There are only a handful left, and none around here that I am aware of. It was very handy to have an attendant take care of your vehicle, but the best thing about the old stations was the personal service with people you knew and trusted. They not only wanted your business, they were also glad to see you and chat awhile. It was a different era. We will likely never see a time like that again…and that’s a shame.
John “Butch” Dale is a retired teacher and County Sheriff. He has also been the librarian at Darlington the past 36 years, and is a well-known artist and author of local history.