
One Great Read!

The mission of the Montgomery County Education Foundation is to promote excellence in primary and secondary education in Montgomery County by encouraging and supporting program enrichment, educator development, and community involvement. These goals are achieved by awarding grants, supporting professional development of educators, implementing and supporting innovative programs and activities, and encouraging participation by all in public education.  MCEF funds the One Great Read program by promoting literacy throughout the county as all fourth grade students read the same book.  The book chosen this year was Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk.  Kathie Watkins, the Director of the Linden Carnegie Public Library and a first-year member of the MCEF and her assistant at the library Amy King traveled the county delivering One Great Read books to all the fourth grade graders. A total of 503 books were delivered. Pictured is fourth grade teacher Mrs. Emily Brooks and her class at Pleasant Hill Elementary. The children were excited to receive the books and are looking forwarding to reading the book together and doing story related activities.